On1 effects 10 dropbox
On1 effects 10 dropbox

on1 effects 10 dropbox

flexible storage structure - I want to be able to store images as I want, allowing migration, easy backup, etc.Cloud sync/backup option is also a bonus, but not required.


local storage - Option for primary local offline storage, ideally with support for sometimes attached removable drives (but that’s not required).strong search/filtering capabilities - keywords, dates, location.Both modifying and removing depending on actions metadata support - GPS, keywords, etc.Especially with capturing in JPG, and don’t want repetitive losses with each save non-destructive editing - I’m not a big editor as noted, so I like to be able to get back to the original, since I often don’t know what will look better.Make more use of DAM features (batch import, organizing, tagging, rating, searching).I edit very few photos overall, and then often cropping or other minor common edits (redeye, brightness/contrast) for a specific purpose.I use LR infrequently, probably only 6-8 times a year overall, when adding new photos.Capture in JPG/HEIF mostly using iPhone, GoPro, or compact camera like Canon Powershot series.Amateur, capturing photos of personal travel and events.I’ve been keeping my eye on options for the past several years, and my needs don’t seem to exactly match the focus of many products these days, so I thought this community might have some valuable input or interest. I’m still using Lightroom 6.14 (LR) on a MBP with a Mojave partition, and while I wasn’t smart enough to use the last year of isolation to migrate, new photos piling up from summertime activities this year is resurfacing the issue for me.

On1 effects 10 dropbox